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Weight Management

Are you just fed up with trying all the different diets and getting nowhere, perhaps it’s now time to try a relaxed, calm balanced approach to weight loss. With solution focused hypnotherapy the first step is focusing on how the mind works when it comes to food. We guide you to acknowledge the habits you’ve picked up along the way, supporting you to feel empowered to start taking control back again. Hypnotherapy reduces the cortisol (stress hormone) levels supporting the weight loss further. We then encourage you to set small achievable targets. This approach involves various techniques and strategies to help individuals attain and then maintain a healthy weight. Encompassing long-term lifestyle changes that promote healthy eating habits, regular physical activity, and stress-reducing techniques. 

Patient on Scale
Sunrise in Hertfordshire

Every day is another chance
to change your life.

All Hypnotherapy sessions are half price until
31st January 2024   

Sunrise in Hertfordshire

Your initial consultation is free... book a call now

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