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A healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient by means of touch, to activate the natural healing processes of the patient’s body and restore physical and emotional well-being”.

finding your light within

The Japanese word ‘Reiki’ literally translates as universal life force energy. This system of healing was developed by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. It is a non-invasive complementary therapy that has been taught and used in the UK since the late 1900s, but Eastern medicine has for thousands of years worked with this energy, recognising its flow through all living things. 

Reiki is a gentle non intrusive therapy, the potential health benefits of which may include:

  • reduction in aches and pains, including chronic

  • rejuvination in your energy and motivation

  • lowering and alleviating mental anxiety and stress

  • ability to help deal with depression

  • support with divorce, separation, bereavment 

  • reduction of physical stress and tension

  • improves blood pressure, immune system and detoxification

  • clarity and focus in mental function

  • improvement in self-esteem and confidence

  • enhances better sleep

  • supports your personal and spiritual growth, giving you balance and inner peace

  • improvement in emotional energy to cope with your everyday

  • supports patients to cope better with life-threatening illnesses and treatments

Reiki is a gentle yet powerful method of healing and can be used on all. During the treatment, you remain dressed, lying comfortably on a massage table with cushions and blankets. Reiki energy is transferred by ‘hands-on’ or by the positioning of hands approximately 1 to 5 inches above your body. Everyones’ experience of reiki is different, you may get a feeling of floating in clouds, surrounded by light and warmth or maybe gentle flowing of energy moving through you like the flow of cleansing and cooling water. There are even those who feel nothing at all, which doesn't mean anything, as the Reiki energy is still flowing. After your session you should still feel relaxed and calm, as though you have had a long sleep. Often a clearer image of solutions appear, while others may have emotional breakthroughs. 


I will often incorporate Angelic Reiki into sessions as and when needed. This is a tranquil and powerful healing that allows very high vibrational energies, calling intelligent ‘Beings of Light’ to work upon your body to  release imbalances, help treat the root cause of any condition and support in bringing about the healing you need on all levels. 


REIKI Session


To experience this for yourself or to discuss Reiki in more detail, simply contact me right away to schedule a session.

For your first one-hour Reiki session we would like to offer you an introductory 25% off our usual price. 


The 5 principles of Reiki


Just for today.
I will not be angry


Just for today.
I will not worry


Just for today.
I will be grateful


Just for today.
I will do my
work honestly


Just for today.
I will be kind
to every living being

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