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Stress, Anxiety & Depression

From the high levels of stress and anxiety to the deep corners of depression, scientific studies have found Hypnotherapy to be an extremely helpful tool in managing these conditions. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy works by helping you identify and address patterns of negative thinking and beliefs that may be contributing to your stress, anxiety, or depression. We support you in changing habits by focusing on the positive and taking small steps towards small goals. The trance then helps you to reach a relaxed state of mind and body, guiding you through positive suggestions which then impact your thoughts and behaviour bolstering your healing process. Therefore, leading to a reduction in anxious thoughts, depressed feelings, and physical symptoms. We help you learn and practice relaxation techniques and give you coping mechanisms to manage symptoms. Additionally, helping you deepen your understanding of yourself, get more balance over your emotions, and work towards developing positive thought patterns, improving self-confidence, and help you regaining a sense of control over your life again.  

Depressed woman
Hertfordshire countryside

In the right light, at the right time,
everything is extraordinary

Aaron Rose

All Hypnotherapy sessions are half price until
31st January 2024   

our clinic

Your initial consultation is free... book a call now

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