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finding your spark within

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

Do you feel that sometimes your mind is like a heavy fog simply too thick for

you to be able to see where you are heading.

Challenges at home and work can all add to extinguishing your light and preventing 

you from finding your way.

Working together we can revitalise your energy and focus, enabling you to clear

that fog and improve your wellbeing.

Hypnotherapy session

What is
Solution Focused Hypnotherapy?

Scientific studies have shown solution focused hypnotherapy to be effective for a wide range of issues, from anxiety, depression, low mood, stress, to phobias, smoking cessation and even weight loss, just to name a few. It is a non-invasive, gentle therapy that can be used to help all different kinds of people and problems by overcoming negative thinking, which we all have a tendency to do when we’re finding life challenging.


Using cutting edge neuroscience, it is based on the idea that solutions to your problems can be found by focusing on the positive aspects in your life and a situationWe follow a specific structure and use different techniques, from CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) to NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) all of which are designed to help, support and guide you, back to finding your very own solutions.  


Hypnotherapy is then used in a wonderful way to plant your positive goals, using both the conscious and unconscious parts of the brain in unison, you’re able to access the very best of yourself. It’s a moment where your body and mind have a chance to totally relax and let go, helping you to heal and release those stresses that weigh you down.


During the first session, we will work with you to identify the goals and desired outcomes you’d like to achieve and address how our brains tick. Then during subsequent sessions we’ll support you by developing a plan of action that will enable you to achieve your goals step by step. Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions usually last for around 60 – 80 minutes, and most people need between eight to ten sessions to see significant results.

All Hypnotherapy sessions are half price until
31st January 2024   

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is beneficial for numerous conditions such as:



Click links above for more information

Therapy Session

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Hanstead Healing

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